Ghost In My Mirror (Digital)
Ghost In My Mirror (Digital)
TV Blonde fashions a rhythmic language on Ghost In My Mirror. Smoky vocals, polyphonic expressions, and rolling dreamscapes stained with fluttering reverb abound; Fall into 11 pastel-shaded tracks and witness the LA native’s skill in affixing infectious grooves with a vintage comfort.
This plush LP grabs the listener with a guiding hand. The icy heat of Fuck It Up’s plucked harmonics bleed into warm synth lines with biting vocals - a veritable triple threat in delivery. With snares shuffling seismically atop a pastiche funk ground, Fool’s driving percussion pulsates towards a breakdown that emanates a quiet, slick cool.
Idyllic soundscapes are in no short supply here, and are tenderly crafted; A pillowy bassline sitting beneath crisp high-mids on Where is My Baby adds depth, with liquidy synthwork drizzled atop the break. Plucked strings slide underneath grounded musings on Come Back Again, slowly taking the album’s built-up energy and distilling it into slowed down concentrate. Whether your tastes call for subterranean harmonics, punchy rhythms, or both - best believe this LP has them in spades.
While maintaining an aged realism, TV Blonde weaves dreamlike aural tools into inviting and entrancing cuts on Ghost In My Mirror. Soulful and beat-driven ambiences lie ahead on this 11-track scape - be sure to savor the journey.
- Don Lowrie-Morris II